The Importance of Sunscreen and How to Apply it Effectively

We all know that sunscreen is important, but many of us don’t use it correctly or as often as we should. Proper sunscreen use is essential for protecting your skin from sun damage that can lead to premature aging and skin cancer. In this blog post, we’ll go over why sunscreen is so vital for skin health and provide a step-by-step guide to applying it effectively.

Why Sunscreen Matters Sunscreen contains active ingredients that create a barrier and absorb or reflect UV radiation from the sun before it can damage your skin. There are two types of ultraviolet radiation that penetrate the earth’s atmosphere:

  • UVA rays – these rays penetrate deep into the skin and are associated with skin aging and wrinkling.
  • UVB rays – these rays burn the top layers of skin and are the primary cause of sunburns. They also directly damage skin DNA and lead to most skin cancers.

Both UVA and UVB radiation have been proven to cause cumulative and irreversible damage to skin cells. Using proper sunscreen guards against the threat that both UVA and UVB rays pose to healthy skin. Studies show that diligent use of sunscreen prevents the development of skin aging and skin cancer.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen When selecting a sunscreen, make sure to choose a water-resistant broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

  • Broad spectrum means that the sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB radiation.
  • SPF refers to the sun protection factor against UVB rays only. Higher SPF values indicate more protection from UVB rays, although no sunscreen can block 100% of UVB rays.
  • Water resistant means that the sunscreen maintains its protective effects while sweating or swimming. You’ll still need to reapply afterwards though.

Apply Liberally and Evenly

Many people apply only 25-50% of the recommended amount of sunscreen. Applying too little severely reduces its protective effects. To ensure you apply enough:

  • Adult body: Use approximately 1 oz per application, which is enough to fill a shot glass. That’s about two spoonfuls.
  • Face: Use 1/2 teaspoon, which is an amount about the size of a pea.

When applying sunscreen, distribute it evenly over all exposed skin. Missed spots or thin applications leaves areas of skin vulnerable to UV damage.Take extra care to cover commonly missed areas like the tops of ears, bald spots, and back of the neck.

Apply 30 Minutes Before Sun Exposure Sunscreen needs time to absorb into skin for maximum effectiveness. Apply a water-resistant sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you expect sun exposure. This gives the protective chemicals time to fully bind to your skin cells. Reapply after swimming or excessive sweating.

At the beach or pool, apply sunscreen liberally before heading out into the sun. Set a phone timer to reapply every 2 hours. Reapply immediately if you notice your skin getting red or feeling tender.

Apply Sunscreen Anytime You’ll Be Outside While days at the beach and pool warrant vigilant sunscreen use, UV rays also penetrate clouds and glass. Get in the regular habit of applying anytime you expect to be outside for more than 10-15 minutes, whether it’s running errands or gardening in the yard.

Cumulative and unprotected sun exposure while doing daily activities adds significantly to your lifetime UV exposure and skin cancer risk. Developing the habit of regularly applying sunscreen protects your skin from incidental UV damage as you go about your day.

Other Sun Protection Strategies
While sunscreen is essential, also utilize shade and sun protective clothing and accessories whenever possible. Seeking shade, especially during peak sun hours from 10am-2pm, helps limit your sun exposure. Wear wide-brimmed hats, UV filtering sunglasses, and tightly woven lightweight clothing for everyday use and beach coverups.

Taking just a few sensible steps to properly shield your skin from the sun will pay off for a lifetime. Use broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher whenever you head outdoors, reapply every 2 hours when necessary, and round out your protection with shade and sun protective clothing. Your skin will thank you!

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