The Perfect Bowl Of Soup Recipe

The perfect bowl of soup

What makes the perfect bowl of soup? If such a recipe exists, it will vary for different people. It would depend on where you’re from and what makes you happy. Because isn’t that what soup is? A warm bowl of happiness and comfort? So then maybe we already have our first two criteria for a perfect bowl of soup. It should be warm, and it should make you happy. 

The perfect, warm bowl of soup

So, what else makes a perfect bowl of soup?

Well, a perfect bowl of soup recipe needs to be easy to make. Nobody likes a complicated bowl of soup, that’s for certain. Who wants to spend hours slaving over a hot stove? No, it should be simple; that’s part of the reward of having it.

If you’re living with diabetes, then your perfect bowl of soup should also be healthy for you, and full of nutrients. You want your recipe to have protein like beans or chicken, vegetables like onions and spinach, and wholesome carbs like brown rice.

If you’re struggling to adopt behaviors that will lead to a healthier diet, or just need some food ideas to get started, a registered dietitian can help! You can access one here (, or go through Dietitians of Canada’s resources here.

Drinking the perfect bowl of soup

Since our cultures, backgrounds, and incomes are all different, not everyone may have access to the same kinds of food. That’s why for Nutrition Month in Canada this year, Dietitians of Canada have put together a free recipe e-book around the theme: “Good for you. Dietitians help YOU find your healthy”. It recognizes that our cultures and backgrounds are different when it comes to what we eat, and what we have access to. You can download it here.

Today 360Care is featuring one of the dishes from that recipe book. It’s a special pot of soup that you can make, no matter who you are, what you can afford, and what your background is. For our perfect bowl of soup recipe, we present to you:

An Improvised Pot of Soup 

an improvised, perfect bowl of soup recipe
text: A perfect bowl of soup recipe
Recipe by Karen Giesbrecht RD & Irena Forbes RD Co-chairs of DC’s Household Food Insecurity Network. 

From this recipe, you get soup that is warm, easy to make, healthy, accessible, and best of all, makes you happy. The perfect bowl of soup. Sounds delicious, right? I can’t wait to snuggle up in a blanket and eat my version of it. I wonder what yours will look like ?. I’m sure it will be perfect for you. 

About 360Care

360Care by Ellerca Health seeks to empower individuals to regain control of their health. We believe that with the right support and motivation, anyone can make and maintain the lifestyle changes necessary to live a happy and healthy life. 

By using 360Care through your mobile device, you’ll have access to a team of health professionals (nurses, dieticians, diabetes educators, psychologists, and coaches) and your own personalized health plan, all dedicated to helping you reach your health goals

From feeling better, relieving symptoms, and improving your quality of life, 360Care can help you to live your best life.

Learn more about 360Care today!

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