5 Foods You Can Start Eating Today for Better Blood Sugar Management

If you are living with diabetes, you may know the challenge that comes along with choosing foods that: 1) Help keep your blood sugar under control and; 2) Minimize your risk of developing health conditions associated with diabetes. Does this mean that your diet must be simple, boring, and one that lacks creativity? Of course …

How to Overcome Peer Pressure and Regain Control of Your Eating Habits

Ever feel you have no choice but to order specific items on a menu? Or that your peers are judging you for the types of meals you consume? You’re certainly not alone. Clinical research shows many now experience peer pressure when evaluating their eating choices. You’ve likely experienced the same feeling. It’s your turn to …

Fruit. Yes, You Can Eat It! And Here’s Why.

If you have diabetes, there is a good chance that you’ve heard somebody tell you that you shouldn’t be eating fruit. Truth is, this is just a particularly stubborn nutrition myth that refuses to go away. Fruits are nutritionally dense and contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and can be included in any healthy eating plan. …

Understanding nutrition label for a healthier choice

Understanding nutrition label has made today’s consumer smarter and more health conscious than ever before. Food companies know this and purposely market their products to appeal to this new smarter demographic, using buzzwords like “organic” and “whole-grain” to dupe consumers into thinking they are making a healthy food choice. Using and understanding nutrition label can …

The Perfect Bowl Of Soup Recipe

What makes the perfect bowl of soup? If such a recipe exists, it will vary for different people. It would depend on where you’re from and what makes you happy. Because isn’t that what soup is? A warm bowl of happiness and comfort? So then maybe we already have our first two criteria for a perfect bowl of soup. It …

A Chocolatey Valentines With Diabetes

It’s finally here, the sweetest day of the year. Hate it or love it, Valentines day is around the corner. You wonder, can you eat Valentines chocolate while living with Diabetes? It’s not like you can escape the day itself; you walk into the local grocery store and it’s all shades of pink and red, with balloons, …