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Mastering Money Management: Navigating Taxes and Financial Wellness

As the tax season approaches, it’s time to put on our financial hats and dive into the world of money management. Whether you’re just starting your journey into adulthood or have been navigating the complexities of finances for some time, understanding how to manage your money effectively is crucial for your overall wellness. In this […]

Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day: Fun and Healthy Ideas for Singles and Couples

Valentine’s Day – it’s that time of the year when love is in the air, and everywhere you look, there are heart-shaped chocolates, roses, and declarations of love. But whether you’re happily single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms, including self-love and friendship. So, […]

Healthier Eating Tips During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often packed with family, friends, delicious foods, and memories that last a lifetime! However, you may also face several temptations that may lead you away from your daily routine. A common consequence that may arise is unwanted weight gain, potentially leading to unmanaged blood sugar control. To keep you on track […]

Get Yourself Ready to Start Running!

Running is one of the most popular ways to exercise. It doesn’t cost a lot to start, and you can run anywhere at any time that suits you. Running can help you burn calories, lose weight, strengthen muscles, and improve your cardiovascular health. Despite this, many people find it difficult to start and stay motivated […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine

Diabetes is a life-long condition that may, at times, make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. However, making lifestyle changes can help better manage your diabetes and keep those blood glucose levels within range. This post is geared towards the early hours of the day and the importance of establishing a morning routine to live a […]

3 Ways to Relax in an Increasingly Stressful World

Worries about the pandemic, finances, work, family, politics, and health can increase stress levels at an unsustainable rate. After yet another stressful day, we turn to our comforts. For some it’s junk food and binge-watching Netflix, or perhaps it’s scrolling through social media. Nonetheless, what we may not realize is that these stress-coping behaviours can […]

Creative Ways to Get More Exercise When You Are Short on Time

Getting enough exercise is essential, although it can be hard to find the time in your everyday schedules. However, even if your routine is jam-packed with work and responsibilities, specialists have provided a few ideas to fit a workout into your day. Here are some creative ways to fit in that extra workout, even when […]

6 Pieces of Advice for Eating Out with Diabetes

Having diabetes doesn’t mean that eating out is impossible! However, a little bit of planning can help alleviate some of the stress that may accompany eating out at restaurants. It’s understandably harder to stick to a diet or meal plan when all your senses are engulfed with delicious temptations. Unfortunately, restaurants aren’t usually catered towards […]

5 Tips to Relieve Stress

Man meditating to relieve stress

How do you relieve stress, especially when it feels like it’s out of your control? If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that life can change at a moment’s notice.  Thinking back over the past 12 months, it’s easy to see that stress levels have been rising within society.  Headline after headline tells us what we already know; […]