Portion Control – The Hand Jive Method

Do you feel like your weight management is getting out of hand? The hand jive method will show you how you can get a better grip on your portions! Achieving a healthy weight is an important step in managing your diabetes, but who wants to carry around a set of measuring cups to know just …

Diabetes and South Asian Cuisine: How to Balance It

South Asia is a broad term to describe a subregion of Asia, consisting of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and the Maldives. This region is incredibly diverse in landscape and culture and has a population of 1.94 billion people as of 2020. Of this vast population, preliminary studies indicate that approximately 1.4% of people …

Nutrition Label Spotlight: Sugar

Today, the average Canadian adult consumes 110 grams of sugar per day, equivalent to approximately 26 tablespoons. As much as 35% of this daily intake comes from foods containing large amounts of added sugar such as, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, and packaged cookies, cakes, and desserts. For many people, determining the amount of sugar in …

Nutrition Label Spotlight: Fat

For years fat has been blamed for causing weight gain and increasing rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease across the globe. However, certain types of fat have been found to increase weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and act as an important nutrient in a well-rounded diet. These ‘healthy fats’ – also known as unsaturated fats …

Nutrition Label Spotlight: Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient that is used by the body as a source of energy. It also helps to build and restore muscles and body tissues. Protein is found in an abundance of different foods, and as such, the majority of Canadians consume enough protein per day to avoid any major health concerns. It …

5 Foods You Can Start Eating Today for Better Blood Sugar Management

If you are living with diabetes, you may know the challenge that comes along with choosing foods that: 1) Help keep your blood sugar under control and; 2) Minimize your risk of developing health conditions associated with diabetes. Does this mean that your diet must be simple, boring, and one that lacks creativity? Of course …

How to Overcome Peer Pressure and Regain Control of Your Eating Habits

Ever feel you have no choice but to order specific items on a menu? Or that your peers are judging you for the types of meals you consume? You’re certainly not alone. Clinical research shows many now experience peer pressure when evaluating their eating choices. You’ve likely experienced the same feeling. It’s your turn to …