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5 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress

“Just breathe.” Have you ever received this advice when feeling stressed or anxious? While it may seem simple, harnessing the power of your breath can have a significant impact on stress levels. This is particularly important for people with diabetes, as stress can increase glucose levels. Many people also find that breathing exercises can help […]

Travailler de la maison: 10 positions de yoga pour vous aider à vous détendre

If working from home has left you with back pain, you are not alone. Remote working has altered the way we work and our physical health. Studies have found that 41% of respondents working from home experience back pain, while 24% experience neck pain. In addition to physical pain, increased fatigue and disturbed sleep patterns […]

Conseils pour une alimentation plus saine pendant la période des fêtes

The holiday season is often packed with family, friends, delicious foods, and memories that last a lifetime! However, you may also face several temptations that may lead you away from your daily routine. A common consequence that may arise is unwanted weight gain, potentially leading to unmanaged blood sugar control. To keep you on track […]

5 activités amusantes pour votre famille

When was the last time you bonded with your family? Taking the time to do fun fitness activities with your loved ones can help improve everyone’s mood, energy, and overall health! Are you ready to get your running shoes on and have some fun? Go for a Walk Going for a 30-minute walk is an […]

Préparez-vous à courir!

Running is one of the most popular ways to exercise. It doesn’t cost a lot to start, and you can run anywhere at any time that suits you. Running can help you burn calories, lose weight, strengthen muscles, and improve your cardiovascular health. Despite this, many people find it difficult to start and stay motivated […]

5 façons d'améliorer votre routine matinale

Diabetes is a life-long condition that may, at times, make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. However, making lifestyle changes can help better manage your diabetes and keep those blood glucose levels within range. This post is geared towards the early hours of the day and the importance of establishing a morning routine to live a […]

3 façons de se détendre dans un monde qui devient de plus en plus stressant

Worries about the pandemic, finances, work, family, politics, and health can increase stress levels at an unsustainable rate. After yet another stressful day, we turn to our comforts. For some it’s junk food and binge-watching Netflix, or perhaps it’s scrolling through social media. Nonetheless, what we may not realize is that these stress-coping behaviours can […]

Un plan d'action SMART pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs

According to UAB Medicine, only 8% of people stick to their New Year’s resolution each year. This is because it can be challenging to know how to set goals that are easy to follow for the long term. However, when you follow a SMART action plan, you can start to accomplish anything you set your […]

Comment se motiver pour réussir

How to Stay Motivated When All You Want to Do is Watch Netflix We know what we should do, what’s best for our health, our well-being, our success. So why is it so hard to put away our phones, get out of bed and make the changes that we know we want and need? Scrolling […]