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5 aliments qui renforcent votre système immunitaire

A healthy outside starts from the inside. Robert Urch True health starts from within. When we are healthy, we feel strong and capable. One way we can keep ourselves healthy is by taking a preventative approach to our health. This means doing certain things to reduce the chance or frequency that we get sick in […]

Astuces pour la préparation de lunchs sains

Packing snacks and lunches for work can be a daunting task but learning the right way to pack can be a healthy and budget-friendly habit. Below we go through some helpful tips and tricks to help you fuel your workday and have more control on what you are eating for lunch. How to Pack a […]

Six conseils pour manger au restaurant quand on est diabétique

Having diabetes doesn’t mean that eating out is impossible! However, a little bit of planning can help alleviate some of the stress that may accompany eating out at restaurants. It’s understandably harder to stick to a diet or meal plan when all your senses are engulfed with delicious temptations. Unfortunately, restaurants aren’t usually catered towards […]

Les effets de l'acidocétose diabétique et comment la prévenir

Living with diabetes can be complicated. There may be an insulin schedule to follow and dietary challenges to overcome, but knowledge can empower you. The more you know about potential health risks associated with your condition, the better you will be able to manage your diabetes in the years ahead. One of the leading dangers […]

Le contrôle des portions - La méthode de la main

Do you feel like your weight management is getting out of hand? The hand jive method will show you how you can get a better grip on your portions! Achieving a healthy weight is an important step in managing your diabetes, but who wants to carry around a set of measuring cups to know just […]

Qu'est-ce que le pré-diabète? Faut-il s'inquiéter?

Break the term up into “pre-” and “diabetes”: It means exactly what it sounds like – “a condition before diabetes.” Prediabetes, also referred to as borderline type 2 diabetes, is a health condition that one develops when their blood glucose levels are higher than the typical range but lower than that considered to be diagnostic. […]

Le diabète et la cuisine sud-asiatique: Comment trouver un équilibre

South Asia is a broad term to describe a subregion of Asia, consisting of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and the Maldives. This region is incredibly diverse in landscape and culture and has a population of 1.94 billion people as of 2020. Of this vast population, preliminary studies indicate that approximately 1.4% of people […]

6 faits sur le diabète que nous devrions tous connaître

Knowing the facts about diabetes is vital for management. However, when information is readily available on sources such as the internet, untrue statements can be widely perpetuated about a topic. This can cause confusion about what to believe. Continue reading to learn about the six common diabetes myths and the truth about them!  Myth #1. […]