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Les effets de l'acidocétose diabétique et comment la prévenir

Living with diabetes can be complicated. There may be an insulin schedule to follow and dietary challenges to overcome, but knowledge can empower you. The more you know about potential health risks associated with your condition, the better you will be able to manage your diabetes in the years ahead. One of the leading dangers […]

Qu'est-ce que le pré-diabète? Faut-il s'inquiéter?

Break the term up into “pre-” and “diabetes”: It means exactly what it sounds like – “a condition before diabetes.” Prediabetes, also referred to as borderline type 2 diabetes, is a health condition that one develops when their blood glucose levels are higher than the typical range but lower than that considered to be diagnostic. […]

Le diabète et la cuisine sud-asiatique: Comment trouver un équilibre

South Asia is a broad term to describe a subregion of Asia, consisting of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and the Maldives. This region is incredibly diverse in landscape and culture and has a population of 1.94 billion people as of 2020. Of this vast population, preliminary studies indicate that approximately 1.4% of people […]

6 faits sur le diabète que nous devrions tous connaître

Knowing the facts about diabetes is vital for management. However, when information is readily available on sources such as the internet, untrue statements can be widely perpetuated about a topic. This can cause confusion about what to believe. Continue reading to learn about the six common diabetes myths and the truth about them!  Myth #1. […]

Mythes et faits sur le diabète (Deuxième partie)

Many of us are fortunate to have access to the internet, allowing us to have a wealth of information at our fingertips. Unfortunately, not everything on the internet is reliable. It may not all be based on facts. Some information may solely be based on opinions, which may be misleading and do more harm than […]

Le cardio contre la glycémie en diabète de type 1

There are many ways to work out, and often, choosing the best fitness regime can be somewhat daunting. Exercise can cause blood glucose levels to increase or decrease depending on the type, duration and intensity of exercise performed. No blanket technique works for everyone. If you are confused or would like to understand the different types […]

5 Astuces simples pour augmenter le niveau d'activité quotidien

Daily physical activity is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown both positive immediate and long-term health benefits, including a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, daily physical activity helps to regulate health markers such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also positively […]

Regard sur l’étiquetage nutritionnel: Sucre

Today, the average Canadian adult consumes 110 grams of sugar per day, equivalent to approximately 26 tablespoons. As much as 35% of this daily intake comes from foods containing large amounts of added sugar such as, soft drinks, breakfast cereals, and packaged cookies, cakes, and desserts. For many people, determining the amount of sugar in […]

Regard sur l'étiquetage nutritionnel: Gras

For years fat has been blamed for causing weight gain and increasing rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease across the globe. However, certain types of fat have been found to increase weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, and act as an important nutrient in a well-rounded diet. These ‘healthy fats’ – also known as unsaturated fats […]